
日 時:2012年8月1日(水)15:00〜16:00

場 所:福岡大学 文系センター15階 第7会議室

テーマ:Class Pricing: A Demand Side Analysis

発表者:Babu Nahata 
    Professor, Department of Economics, University of Louisville

Class pricing, a pricing practice, where many different versions of a product or even different products within a class are sold at the same price, is quite prevalent. The existing literature offers an explanation based on the cost of price setting. In this paper, we offer a new rationale for class pricing from the perspective of demand side. Several conditions are identified that guarantee the optimality of a single price for different demands. Additionally, it is shown that the class can be characterized by two types of general families of demands, which include linear, exponential, convex and concave demands. Further, within each family of these demands, the sufficient and necessary condition for a single price to maximize profit is that they have identical maximum willingness-to-pay or the same price intercept. Our demand-side explanation supplements the cost-side interpretation put forward by Wernerfelt (2008). 

日 時:2012年8月1日(水)16:15〜17:30

場 所:福岡大学 文系センター15階 第7会議室

テーマ:General 1-sector 1-factor model of trade: wage differential, dumping, firm size

発表者:Sergey Kokovin
    Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State University

Abstract: We study the Dixit-Stiglitz model of trade but without arbitrary (non-CES) utilities and without another sector, so wages can differ between the countries. Under increasing Relative Love for Variety (concavity of utility), the size of a firm can be bigger/smaller in the bigger country and the mass of firms shows Home Market Effect, globalization increases the masses of firms in both countries. Opposite effects take place under decreasing RLV. Under increasing RLV, welfare in the bigger country is higher. Thereby, when migration starts, any non-agglomerated equilibrium becomes unstable.